School / Outside Class Experiences / Studies: RISD M.A.T., Claudia Venditto is a Cranston Public Schools Visual Arts Educator (25+ years in elementary, middle, and high school experience)
Hobbies: Painting, drawing, gardening
Favorite Thing About Teaching: Helping students of all ages learn about their unique potential as artists and seeing an inner confidence grow within them on multiple levels as they develop their artistic skills!

School / Outside Class Experiences / Studies: Bachelors in Art Education, Kim Marshall is an Elementary Art teacher at Johnston Public Schools
Hobbies: Photography, ceramics, outdoor activities
Favorite Thing About Teaching: I love helping students realize their love for art. The look on their faces when they learn about a new art technique or a new artist is priceless.

Name: Ms. Susan (Instructor)
School / Outside Class Experiences / Studies: Bachelor’s Art Education, NBCT Candidate, High School Art Educator at Lincoln High School / Susan Kolenda has a Journalism/Graphic Design Certification and is the president of RIAEA
Hobbies: Painting, mixed media art, spending time at the beach
Favorite Thing About Teaching: Helping children of all grades to be creative thinkers and makers and using any art material to do this! It is rewarding to experience a student’s sense of pride when they’ve created a piece they didn’t think/know they could!

Name: Ms. Kim (Instructor)
School / Outside Class Experiences / Studies: BFA Apparel Design RISD. 20+ years industry experience at Polo Ralph Lauren, J.Jill, the Life is Good company and more.
Hobbies: Watching my daughters play soccer, being the elementary school arts & crafts volunteer/parent coordinator, exercising, spending time with family & friends, and shopping of course!
Favorite Thing About Teaching: Seeing the happiness and pride in the children’s faces when they know they’ve created something unique & beautiful.

Name: Miss Erin (Instructor)
School / Outside Class Experiences / Studies: BS in Art Education at RIC / art teacher at Burrillville Elementary
Hobbies: Photography, travel, and spending time with family
Favorite thing about Teaching: My favorite thing about teaching is seeing artists become totally immersed in their work, forgetting about everything and everyone around them.

Name: Miss Lili (Instructor)
School / Outside Class Experiences / Studies: Currently studying fine art and psychology at Roger Williams University
Hobbies: Rock climbing, hiking, ceramics, painting, drawing
Favorite thing about Teaching: I love being able to help people create and express themselves through their work!

School / Outside Class Experiences / Studies: Victoria grew up at Blue Door Studio and majored in animation at Maine College of Art and Design from 2020-2021. She now attends her senior year at Salve Regina University as she studies Studio Art with a concentration in illustration.
Hobbies: Illustration, writing, musical theatre enthusiast, running

School / Outside Class Experiences / Studies: Prior long-term student at Blue Door Studio, Lexi is a University of Tampa graduate, with a Bachelor of Arts in Design with Minors in Advertising and Public Relations
Hobbies: Photography, painting/drawing, design, outdoor activities (hiking, beach)