Party Details
This party package includes:
- Glazing Ceramic figure lesson
- Blue Door Studio t-shirt for the birthday boy/girl, goody bags filled with candy treats and a $10 gift certificate to BDS
- **Paper goods, food (please do not bring ice cream cakes), and drinks must be supplied by parent/guardian.
- Party Rates- see attached contract
Party Rates and Policies:
- Parties are two hours long for groups of 10 guests or less.
- Each additional guest costs $10.00
- Extra time following the allotted time of the party is $50 per each additional half hour
- A $50 non-refundable deposit is required to guarantee your party date.
- A contract must be completed by the parent/guardian and delivered to the studio, via email or postal service, 1 week prior to the party.
- Parents of the party guests attending the party are expected to wait in the designated waiting areas and will not be permitted to enter the studio when the party guests are being presented their painting lesson and while the party guests are painting.
- **All payments are due at the close of the birthday party.